Backbase: umbrella bug
Summary Backbase: umbrella bug
Geoffrey Garen
Reported 2006-01-17 15:50:38 PST
This bug is also in Radar as <rdar://4412355> * SUMMARY Backbase, a leading Ajax vendor, doesn't support Safari. The related bugs track what's necessary to fix this. -------------------------------------------
Sjoerd Mulder
Comment 1 2006-04-28 07:34:37 PDT
At Backbase we have worked hard on writing support for and reporting bugs to the Safari and Opera teams. It's now finally possible to run Backbase on both Opera 9 and Safari Webkit nightly (see also our blog at We have created a playground where testers and others interested can play around with the Backbase Explorer, RSS Reader and Travel starterkit on the (almost) supported new webbrowsers. Please stop by at The Backbase version running the playground is still experimental and may contain issues. A list of known issues is shown on the index page. If you find an issue you can report it at or discuss it in this forum thread. Have fun! Sjoerd Mulder, Backbase Developer Backbase Presentation Client
Darin Adler
Comment 2 2006-07-04 16:00:59 PDT
Based on the most recent comment from Backbase developers, is it time to mark this bug resolved yet? If not, what are the remaining blocking issues?
Sjoerd Mulder
Comment 3 2006-09-13 00:11:58 PDT
Bug 4045 is the most blocking bug now. e.g. it doesn't allow large xmlstructures and complicated xpath query's to be executed
Darin Adler
Comment 4 2007-11-09 08:49:10 PST
From email Sjoerd sent today: "The umbrella bug about Backbase can [...] be closed. We support Safari now completely!"
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