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bug 39286
<embed> with SVG always reloads
<embed> with SVG always reloads
Armin Mueller
2010-09-08 07:08:45 PDT
attachment 66893
A testcase for this bug If a svg is placed inside a Dojo Tab as <embed> then after changing the tabs the <embed> is reloaded and reset to default. Changes to the SVG are no longer visible. The attached testcase shows the problem: 1. After loading click on the rectangle it change color from yellow to orange 2. change the tab 3. change back to first tab. Now the rectangle is yellow again. clicking has no effect This effect is in Safari and Chrome. If you use this in other browsers FF, Opera, Ie (with Adobe SVGViewer) you see the coorect behavior. I have already create a bug report 45259 which shows this behavior on a larger example
A testcase for this bug
(3.01 KB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2010-09-08 07:08 PDT
Armin Mueller
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Armin Mueller
Comment 1
2010-09-08 07:33:45 PDT
It seems that Dojo set the tab property display to none. Niko Zimmermann told me that this has the effect that the Webkit kill the renderer an reset all properties to default. But this does not explain fully the behavior described in
bug 45259
: Here the SVG legend is not reseted but it seemed freezed.
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 2
2010-09-08 08:35:33 PDT
CC'ing some of the rendering experts. Our display="none" handling seems flawed, compared to other browsers. When embedding eg. an external document (no matter if SVG, or HTML), one can write: var document = myEmbed.getSVGDocument(); myEmbed.style.display = "none"; .... let style recalc etc ... myEmbed.style.display ="inline"; document is now no longer valid, as the referenced document of "myEmbed" gets reloaded (RenderEmbeddedObject has been destructed, when setting display="none", and is now reloaded). Specific question for Eric: It seems you're just working on a fix for that problem, is that right? (Thinking of
bug 27775
Darin Adler
Comment 3
2010-09-08 08:49:25 PDT
This is the same thing as
bug 27775
but for subframes rather than plug-ins.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4
2010-09-08 15:02:08 PDT
I'm working in this area now.
Mike Capp
Comment 5
2010-10-18 05:58:31 PDT
I'm pretty sure this is an exact dupe of
bug 39286
Darin Adler
Comment 6
2010-10-18 08:17:43 PDT
Yes, agreed. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of
bug 39286
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