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Add a NodeList-derivated wrapper class for a ListHashSet
Add a NodeList-derivated wrapper class for a ListHashSet
Antonio Gomes
2010-06-23 10:58:26 PDT
This is a preparation work for
bug 40197
, which is about extending the current hit testing system to also support rectangular hit area, instead of only points. As discussed by hyatt in
, a ListHashSet structure is to be used to store the hit-tested nodes. In order to expose this rect-based hit test functionality to the DOM, a nodesFromRect method will be added to Document class, and it will return a NodeList wrapping this ListHashSet. This bug intends to provide this wrapper class.
patch v1
(14.60 KB, patch)
2010-06-23 11:13 PDT
Antonio Gomes
no flags
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patch v1.1 - fixed style issues
(14.52 KB, patch)
2010-06-23 11:23 PDT
Antonio Gomes
no flags
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(commit r61818, r=dhyatt) patch v1.2
(14.43 KB, patch)
2010-06-23 20:43 PDT
Antonio Gomes
no flags
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proposed patch, testcase, etc.
Antonio Gomes
Comment 1
2010-06-23 11:13:53 PDT
attachment 59533
patch v1 I have not added LayoutTests for this new NodeList at the moment, because it is only going to be used by patch to be submitted in
bug 40197
- RefPrt<NodeList> Document::nodesFromRect const will use it/expose it.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 2
2010-06-23 11:16:30 PDT
Attachment 59533
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--no-squash']" exit_code: 1 WebCore/dom/StaticHashSetNodeList.h:40: Code inside a namespace should not be indented. [whitespace/indent] [4] WebCore/dom/StaticHashSetNodeList.cpp:46: Semicolon defining empty statement for this loop. Use { } instead. [whitespace/semicolon] [5] Total errors found: 2 in 9 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Antonio Gomes
Comment 3
2010-06-23 11:23:46 PDT
attachment 59539
patch v1.1 - fixed style issues
Antonio Gomes
Comment 4
2010-06-23 20:43:16 PDT
attachment 59608
, r=dhyatt) patch v1.2 Removed an unnecessery FIXME in the code (due to accidental copy & paste) pointed out by dhyatt on IRC
Dave Hyatt
Comment 5
2010-06-24 12:46:20 PDT
Comment on
attachment 59608
, r=dhyatt) patch v1.2 r=me
Antonio Gomes
Comment 6
2010-06-24 21:42:22 PDT
Comment on
attachment 59608
, r=dhyatt) patch v1.2 Clearing flags on attachment: 59608 Committed
: <
Darin Adler
Comment 7
2010-06-25 12:39:11 PDT
Why a ListHashSet and not a Vector?
Darin Adler
Comment 8
2010-06-25 12:39:31 PDT
Once the hit test is done, it would be best to copy the contents of the ListHashSet into a Vector.
Antonio Gomes
Comment 9
2010-06-25 13:13:31 PDT
(In reply to
comment #8
> Once the hit test is done, it would be best to copy the contents of the ListHashSet into a Vector.
We were using Vector in previous versions of the rect-based HitTest patch, but it was suggested to use ListHashSet. see:
I understand your concern, though. It is probably because every NodeList::item(int n) operation has to iterate over the ListHashSet, which is O(n). With a Vector it'd be O(1) , since we can just do Vector::at(int n). Is that the case, Darin?
Darin Adler
Comment 10
2010-06-25 13:29:11 PDT
It’s fine to use ListHashSet to build up the list; a good efficient way to check for duplicates and membership while creating it. Once the list is created, though, moving to a Vector makes sense to me.
Darin Adler
Comment 11
2010-06-25 13:29:39 PDT
(In reply to
comment #9
> I understand your concern, though. It is probably because every NodeList::item(int n) operation has to iterate over the ListHashSet, which is O(n). With a Vector it'd be O(1) , since we can just do Vector::at(int n). Is that the case, Darin?
That’s one of my concerns. The other is that a ListHashSet uses a lot of extra memory.
Antonio Gomes
Comment 12
2010-07-05 12:01:36 PDT
(In reply to
comment #11
> (In reply to
comment #9
) > > I understand your concern, though. It is probably because every NodeList::item(int n) operation has to iterate over the ListHashSet, which is O(n). With a Vector it'd be O(1) , since we can just do Vector::at(int n). Is that the case, Darin? > > That’s one of my concerns. The other is that a ListHashSet uses a lot of extra memory.
Darin, I am really open to make it as you suggested: copy the listhashset over a vector after hittest is ready, and expose it as a StaticNodeList instead of as the added StaticHashSetNodeList. In this case, we can also discuss and decide if we need this StaticHashSetListNode at all, or just remove it. If we decide to keep it, I will templatize StaticListNode to either work with a Vector or a ListHashSet, as talked to Dyatt on irc, merging StaticHashSetListNode into StaticListNode anyways. I will try to get the core patch (in
bug 40197
) in a better shape first, then get back to this.
Simon Hausmann
Comment 13
2010-07-29 08:13:11 PDT
cherry-picked into qtwebkit-2.1 with commit 8a8a28d007539792bf63f36817cfc3abdf994555
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