Audio Data API
Summary Audio Data API
Matt Bierner
Reported 2010-01-20 20:46:33 PST
Currently, browsers rely on Flash to analyze, modify, and even create audio data online. Given that rich media seems to be of ever increasing importance, I feel that a set of methods to access audio data would be extremely useful. Creating and modifying audio would also be a nice feature but my primary concern is just audio access. These concepts were originally suggested under an 'Audio Canvas' concept by Dave Singer in this list: More recently, some of these features have been discussed and added experimentally over at Mozilla, which also served as the inspiration for this request:
Bertrand Presles
Comment 1 2010-05-08 01:10:45 PDT
Mozilla has issued a Draft specifications on their Audio Data API work:
Eric Carlson
Comment 2 2010-07-18 08:46:40 PDT
W3C has an Incubator Group working on web audio processing: The group is considering a proposal from Chris Rogers at Google for a node-based JavaScript procession and synthesis API:
Peter Beverloo
Comment 3 2012-05-22 09:06:04 PDT
Chris, should we close this now that (a) the Media Processing API would supersede this, and (b) the working group has adopted the Web Audio API?
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