Make tests http/tests/misc/isindex-with-no-form-base-href.html and isindex-with-no-form.html work using DOM keyboard events
Summary Make tests http/tests/misc/isindex-with-no-form-base-href.html and isindex-wi...
Daniel Bates
Reported 2009-11-07 19:36:02 PST
Following up from bug #30491, we should make the test cases: http/tests/misc/isindex-with-no-form-base-href.html http/tests/misc/isindex-with-no-form.html work without using DRT's EventSender. Instead, we should rewrite these tests to use DOM keyboard events.
Example (2.13 KB, text/html)
2009-11-14 21:52 PST, Daniel Bates
no flags
Daniel Bates
Comment 1 2009-11-14 21:52:12 PST
Created attachment 43241 [details] Example Example. Tries to programmatically fire a keypress DOM KeyboardEvent at an HTMLInputElement with keyIdentifier = "Enter" to submit the form (that is, to simulate what equivalent action when the user gives the input focus and then presses the Return/Enter key on the keyboard)
Daniel Bates
Comment 2 2009-11-14 21:52:55 PST
Using a debugger to trace the execution of DOM KeyboardEvents, we need to fix bug #16735 in order to fix this bug. Running the attachment Example <>, we see that the call flow is as follows (*): WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionDispatchEvent->EventTarget::dispatchEvent->Node::dispatchEvent->Node::dispatchGenericEvent->HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler By line 1412 of HTMLInputElement.cpp <>, we call KeyboardEvent::charCode(). Notice, this KeyboardEvent was generated programmatically by JavaScript (as opposed to a physical key press). Hence, this KeyboardEvent has no associated PlatformKeyboardEvent (i.e. KeyboardEvent::m_keyEvent == null). And by line 138 of KeyboardEvent.cpp <> method KeyboardEvent::charCode returns 0 if !KeyboardEvent::m_keyEvent. So, for this example, KeyboardEvent::charCode always returns 0. Therefore, we cannot resolve this bug until we resolve bug #16735. For completeness, before executing (*), the DOM keyboard event is first instantiated via the following call flow: WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionCreateEvent->Document::createEvent->KeyboardEvent::create->KeyboardEvent::KeyboardEvent() Note, specifically the constructor KeyboardEvent::KeyboardEvent() is called. Hence, m_keyEvent := 0. Then, the DOM keyboard event is initialized via the call flow: WebCore::jsKeyboardEventPrototypeFunctionInitKeyboardEvent->KeyboardEvent::initKeyboardEvent
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3 2023-06-03 21:31:16 PDT
'isindex' is removed and now historical. WPT test showing it as historical - and both of these tests are now removed (in above commit). So marking this as 'RESOLVED WONTFIX'.
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