NEW 284544
[scroll-animations] WPT test scroll-animations/scroll-timelines/reverse-animation.html has failures
Summary [scroll-animations] WPT test scroll-animations/scroll-timelines/reverse-anima...
Antoine Quint
Reported 2024-12-12 06:50:40 PST
The WPT test scroll-animations/scroll-timelines/reverse-animation.html has 3 failures: FAIL Reversing an animation resets a sticky start time. assert_approx_equals: values do not match for "undefined" expected 100 +/- 0.125 but got 40 FAIL Reversing when when playbackRate == 0 should preserve the playback rate assert_approx_equals: values do not match for "Anchors to range start boundary when playback rate is zero" expected 0 +/- 0.125 but got 50 FAIL Reversing an idle animation aligns startTime with the rangeEnd boundary assert_approx_equals: values do not match for "animation.startTime should be at its effect end" expected 100 +/- 0.125 but got -100
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-12-12 06:51:01 PST
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