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ASSERTION FAILURE: !result.innerNode() || (request.resultIsElementList() && result.listBasedTestResult().size()) in RenderLayer::hitTestContents()
ASSERTION FAILURE: !result.innerNode() || (request.resultIsElementList() && r...
Daniel Bates
2020-03-14 13:13:14 PDT
Steps to reproduce: Using a debug build + MiniBrowser. Consider a page with the following markup: [[ <style> .icon::before { content: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns:xlink="
" xmlns="
" version="1.1" height="727px"></svg>'); } .icon { position: absolute; } </style> <body> <p>This test FAILED if it causes an assertion failure a debug build.</p> <div class="icon"></div> <script> // Need to use a zero-timer to ensure we run this code AFTER .icon has loaded its content. window.setTimeout(() => { document.elementsFromPoint(200, 200); }, 0); </script> </body> ]] 1. Ensure Settings > Internal Features > Simple line layout is DISABLED (under Debug > WebKit Internal Features in Safari) 2. Ensure Settings > Internal Features > Next-generation line layout integration (LFC) is DISABLED (under Debug > WebKit Internal Features in Safari). 3. Open in a NEW WK2 window in MiniBrowser the above page. Then the WebContent process with crash due to the ASSERT(!result.innerNode() || (request.resultIsElementList() && result.listBasedTestResult().size()) in RenderLayer::hitTestContents()) failing in RenderLayer::hitTestContents(): <
(574 bytes, text/html)
2020-03-14 13:13 PDT
Daniel Bates
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2020-03-14 17:42 PDT
Daniel Bates
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2020-03-14 22:23 PDT
Daniel Bates
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Daniel Bates
Comment 1
2020-03-14 13:13:40 PDT
attachment 393589
Test Test case (for convenience)
Daniel Bates
Comment 2
2020-03-14 13:14:43 PDT
(In reply to Daniel Bates from
comment #1
> Created
attachment 393589
> Test > > Test case (for convenience)
If you open this test case from Bugzilla, you may need to reload it to trigger the bug.
Daniel Bates
Comment 3
2020-03-14 13:15:29 PDT
#0 0x000000012d55190e in ::WTFCrash() at /Volumes/.../Source/WTF/wtf/Assertions.cpp:305 #1 0x0000000112c138eb in WTFCrashWithInfo(int, char const*, char const*, int) at /Volumes/.../WebKitBuild/Debug/usr/local/include/wtf/Assertions.h:620 #2 0x00000001168a7bd5 in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTestContents(WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&, WebCore::LayoutRect const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, WebCore::HitTestFilter) const at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5630 #3 0x00000001168a7866 in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTestContentsForFragments(WTF::Vector<WebCore::LayerFragment, 1ul, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16ul, WTF::FastMalloc> const&, WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, WebCore::HitTestFilter, bool&) const at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5533 #4 0x00000001168a5fbb in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTestLayer(WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&, WebCore::LayoutRect const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, bool, WebCore::HitTestingTransformState const*, double*) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5476 #5 0x00000001168a747d in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTestList(WebCore::RenderLayer::LayerList, WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&, WebCore::LayoutRect const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, WebCore::HitTestingTransformState const*, double*, double*, WebCore::HitTestingTransformState const*, bool) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5676 #6 0x00000001168a5c2b in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTestLayer(WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&, WebCore::LayoutRect const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, bool, WebCore::HitTestingTransformState const*, double*) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5443 #7 0x00000001168a747d in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTestList(WebCore::RenderLayer::LayerList, WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&, WebCore::LayoutRect const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, WebCore::HitTestingTransformState const*, double*, double*, WebCore::HitTestingTransformState const*, bool) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5676 #8 0x00000001168a5c2b in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTestLayer(WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::RenderLayer*, WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&, WebCore::LayoutRect const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, bool, WebCore::HitTestingTransformState const*, double*) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5443 #9 0x00000001168a5285 in WebCore::RenderLayer::hitTest(WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:5238 #10 0x000000011535c2bf in WebCore::Document::hitTest(WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestLocation const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:8269 #11 0x0000000115340f74 in WebCore::Document::hitTest(WebCore::HitTestRequest const&, WebCore::HitTestResult&) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:8250 #12 0x0000000115572772 in WebCore::TreeScope::elementsFromPoint(double, double) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/dom/TreeScope.cpp:400 #13 0x00000001134c68f9 in WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionElementsFromPointBody(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::CallFrame*, WebCore::JSDocument*, JSC::ThrowScope&) at /Volumes/.../WebKitBuild/Debug/DerivedSources/WebCore/JSDocument.cpp:5971 #14 0x00000001133cffc2 in long long WebCore::IDLOperation<WebCore::JSDocument>::call<&(WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionElementsFromPointBody(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::CallFrame*, WebCore::JSDocument*, JSC::ThrowScope&)), (WebCore::CastedThisErrorBehavior)0>(JSC::JSGlobalObject&, JSC::CallFrame&, char const*) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSDOMOperation.h:53 #15 0x00000001133cfca4 in WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionElementsFromPoint(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::CallFrame*) at /Volumes/.../WebKitBuild/Debug/DerivedSources/WebCore/JSDocument.cpp:5976 #16 0x0000344110c01178 in 0x344110c01178 () #17 0x000000012da511e3 in llint_entry at /Volumes/.../Source/JavaScriptCore/llint/LowLevelInterpreter.asm:1039 #18 0x000000012da33dc3 in vmEntryToJavaScript at /Volumes/.../Source/JavaScriptCore/llint/LowLevelInterpreter64.asm:296 #19 0x000000012e7c0a77 in JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) at /Volumes/.../Source/JavaScriptCore/jit/JITCodeInlines.h:38 #20 0x000000012e7c10ed in JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) at /Volumes/.../Source/JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:910 #21 0x000000012eac9b69 in JSC::call(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) at /Volumes/.../Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/CallData.cpp:59 #22 0x000000012eac9c5a in JSC::call(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) at /Volumes/.../Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/CallData.cpp:66 #23 0x000000012eac9f4e in JSC::profiledCall(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) at /Volumes/.../Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/CallData.cpp:87 #24 0x0000000114dd2d78 in WebCore::JSExecState::profiledCall(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSExecState.h:73 #25 0x0000000114e72a64 in WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/bindings/js/ScheduledAction.cpp:118 #26 0x0000000114e72505 in WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute(WebCore::Document&) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/bindings/js/ScheduledAction.cpp:137 #27 0x0000000114e723c3 in WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/bindings/js/ScheduledAction.cpp:86 #28 0x0000000115f70559 in WebCore::DOMTimer::fired() at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/page/DOMTimer.cpp:340 #29 0x0000000116242304 in WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/platform/ThreadTimers.cpp:127 #30 0x0000000116249ff1 in WebCore::ThreadTimers::setSharedTimer(WebCore::SharedTimer*)::$_0::operator()() const at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/platform/ThreadTimers.cpp:67 #31 0x0000000116249f9e in WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<WebCore::ThreadTimers::setSharedTimer(WebCore::SharedTimer*)::$_0, void>::call() at /Volumes/.../WebKitBuild/Debug/usr/local/include/wtf/Function.h:52 #32 0x0000000112c261d2 in WTF::Function<void ()>::operator()() const at /Volumes/.../WebKitBuild/Debug/usr/local/include/wtf/Function.h:84 #33 0x000000011620ff5b in WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::fired() at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/platform/MainThreadSharedTimer.cpp:83 #34 0x00000001162a4a86 in WebCore::timerFired(__CFRunLoopTimer*, void*) at /Volumes/.../Source/WebCore/platform/cf/MainThreadSharedTimerCF.cpp:74
Daniel Bates
Comment 4
2020-03-14 17:42:40 PDT
attachment 393601
Daniel Bates
Comment 5
2020-03-14 21:47:58 PDT
Test failures are progressions.
Daniel Bates
Comment 6
2020-03-14 22:23:06 PDT
attachment 393605
Daniel Bates
Comment 7
2020-03-14 23:11:34 PDT
Comment on
attachment 393605
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:37 > + was passed, which is nullptr for an anonymouse node, and addNodeToListBasedTestResult() doesn't have enough info
anonymouse => anonymous
Darin Adler
Comment 8
2020-03-15 17:22:26 PDT
Comment on
attachment 393605
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderBlock.cpp:1993 > return continuation() ? continuation()->element() : element();
Do we have a guarantee these are not the anonymous renderers in before or after content? They can’t be RenderBlock?
Daniel Bates
Comment 9
2020-03-16 10:15:03 PDT
Comment on
attachment 393605
Patch View in context:
>> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderBlock.cpp:1993 >> return continuation() ? continuation()->element() : element(); > > Do we have a guarantee these are not the anonymous renderers in before or after content? They can’t be RenderBlock?
🤷♂️. I didn't think about it. I only thought about the isRenderView logic. I cannot think of a way using CSS for ::before or ::after content to contain anonymous blocks. Looks like if inserting a renderer for ::before or ::after breaks the inline/block invariants then anonymous blocks are added to the **containing element**. Here's some examples I was playing with: 1. ::before with display:block Because ::before generates a block, anonymous blocks must be added and the span split. <data:text/html,<style>span::before { content: "FL"; display: block; } span::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><span>before span text<div>span text</div>after span text</span>> 2 . ::before default (display:inline) <data:text/html,<style>span::before { content: "FL" } span::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><span>before span text<div>span text</div>after span text</span>> 3. <p> must be split: <data:text/html,<style>p::before { content: "FL" } p::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><p>before div text<div>div text</div>after div text</p>> 4. Anonymous blocks must be added for the text before and after then <img>. <data:text/html,<style>p::before { content: "FL" } p::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><p>before img text<img style="display: block" height="20" width="20">after img text</p>>
Daniel Bates
Comment 10
2020-03-16 10:15:14 PDT
Thanks for the review.
Daniel Bates
Comment 11
2020-03-16 10:30:51 PDT
Comment on
attachment 393605
Patch View in context:
>>> Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderBlock.cpp:1993 >>> return continuation() ? continuation()->element() : element(); >> >> Do we have a guarantee these are not the anonymous renderers in before or after content? They can’t be RenderBlock? > > 🤷♂️. I didn't think about it. I only thought about the isRenderView logic. I cannot think of a way using CSS for ::before or ::after content to contain anonymous blocks. Looks like if inserting a renderer for ::before or ::after breaks the inline/block invariants then anonymous blocks are added to the **containing element**. > > Here's some examples I was playing with: > > 1. ::before with display:block > > Because ::before generates a block, anonymous blocks must be added and the span split. > > <data:text/html,<style>span::before { content: "FL"; display: block; } span::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><span>before span text<div>span text</div>after span text</span>> > > 2 . ::before default (display:inline) > <data:text/html,<style>span::before { content: "FL" } span::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><span>before span text<div>span text</div>after span text</span>> > > 3. <p> must be split: > > <data:text/html,<style>p::before { content: "FL" } p::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><p>before div text<div>div text</div>after div text</p>> > > 4. Anonymous blocks must be added for the text before and after then <img>. > > <data:text/html,<style>p::before { content: "FL" } p::first-letter { color:red; float:left; }</style><p>before img text<img style="display: block" height="20" width="20">after img text</p>>
containing element => originating element Ok.. I looked at the specs, emphasis mine: [[ The content property dictates what is rendered inside an element or pseudo-element. For elements, it has only one purpose: specifying that the element renders as normal, or replacing the element with an image (and possibly some associated "alt text"). For pseudo-elements and margin boxes, it is more powerful. It controls whether the element renders at all, can replace the element with an image, or replace it with ***arbitrary inline content (text and images).*** ]] <
> So, the answer to your question is: No, they cannot have anonymous renderer because they can only have inline content (by def of CSS content). And just for me: [[ 4.1. Generated Content Pseudo-elements: ::before and ::after When their computed content value is not none, these pseudo-elements generate boxes as if they were immediate children of their originating element, and can be styled exactly like any normal document-sourced element in the document tree. ]] <
> ^^^ means that anonymous blocks are generated in the originating element, if needed, when inserted ::before, ::after generated boxes.
Daniel Bates
Comment 12
2020-03-16 10:34:51 PDT
: <
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 13
2020-03-16 10:35:16 PDT
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