NEW 113097
lazyAttached nodes should not need to detach before attaching
Summary lazyAttached nodes should not need to detach before attaching
Eric Seidel (no email)
Reported 2013-03-22 14:01:36 PDT
lazyAttached nodes should not need to detach before attaching Right now lazyAttach functions exactly how moving from display: none -> display: whatever would. The node is attached and marked as needing style resolve, but has no renderer. Thus when we do resolve style for the node, we find that it now needs a renderer, and do a reattach. reattach does a detach (of the full subtree under the node) followed by an attach (of the full subtree). When we lazyAttach a whole document at once, we end up doing a full subtree walk for the detach, which really wasn't needed.
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